Duke's Coach K once told his players to focus on what was right in front of them- "get to the next TV timeout." I don't watch a lot of basketball, but I appreciate his philosophy. Yes, an NCAA basketball game is 40 minutes, but the longest stretch of play in a televised game is 7 minutes. A daunting goal, broken up to manageable pieces with clear, defined goals, something I'm striving to do. -Syd

Thursday, September 30, 2010


What is with the rain?!?!

I told my mom last night that it had been raining since Sunday and I got a "oh, haha, yeah, whateveryou'recrazy" with no excitement over my new wiper blades.

12 hours later? I get an e-mail with "
oh wow, its actually raining a lot!" after she'd seen news reports about NC getting pounded. There was even a super duty truck at work stuck in mud and a downed power line that cut out power to part of campus. Tropical Storm Nicole remnants aren't messing around!

I went to the gym th
is morning and knocked out 2.3 miles in 26 minutes and felt alright. I can still walk with minimal pain and that keeps my spirits up! The gym at 6:13 felt freezing cold, but when I stepped outside at 6:45, it felt like a frickin' sauna and I mad the trademarked red face ;)

Before I took my shower, Lucy decided she wanted to yell at me about something.

I got my revenge...

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