Duke's Coach K once told his players to focus on what was right in front of them- "get to the next TV timeout." I don't watch a lot of basketball, but I appreciate his philosophy. Yes, an NCAA basketball game is 40 minutes, but the longest stretch of play in a televised game is 7 minutes. A daunting goal, broken up to manageable pieces with clear, defined goals, something I'm striving to do. -Syd

Monday, April 30, 2012

8 at 8

I'm just going to start this with a huge disclaimer. When I was prepping for last weekend's 10 miler race, I made sure to eat my go-to pb and banana on whole wheat bread 2 hours before I ran and kept fueling throughout the run. When I prepped for this Saturday's planned 10 miles? I ate a Mojo bar at 7:15 and was running at 7:40 with limited fuel on me. Can you see where this is headed?!

I ran from Huck's house to Fleet Feet, where I joined up with their Saucony Grassroots run. It was a special event designed to join local (and 30 min away "local" ) run groups with people that might be interested in having people closer to home to talk to when they jog. I looked at all the routes and the main difference between them all was where the turnaround point was. Mentally frustrating for me?! They all required me to go back the direction I'd just come from!

SC wanted me to do 10, but after getting exhausted in a "dear heavens I have no calories to burn after 8 hours of sleep and 2 miles of running and a FRICKIN GRANOLA BAR!" way, I figured I'd go and see how everything felt. I ran with someone I'd never met before, which was a challenge to keep talking as we explained what we did, how we got into running, etc. I'm so used to running with Huck or KR that it was a challenge to remember that not everyone knows that I like to be on the edge of the sidewalk, to your right, and that I'll let you go first when we need to go single file.

Our path took us through Meredith College, over the 440 bridge and through the dreaded NC Art Museum trails/hills :/ I wimped out on them going out, but after we turned around to make the route 6 miles, I bucked up a bit and ran all the way up the longest hill coming back. When we got out of Meredith, I turned right, thanked my running partner for the entertainment, and trekked back to my car at Huck's.

This run took a looooot out of me. I did one round of speedplay, and when I got over a hill and on to where I could do a 2nd round, I didn't trust my balance enough to keep going that speed, but at least I kept going, because Huck drove by!

End result: 8.1 miles in 1:34 on a friggin' empty stomach with hilllllllsssss!

Here's to the next TV timeout!


PS- Huck was out getting pallets, and look what he and his buddies made on a Sunday afternoon :)

Maybe the chair was a bit big?!

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