Duke's Coach K once told his players to focus on what was right in front of them- "get to the next TV timeout." I don't watch a lot of basketball, but I appreciate his philosophy. Yes, an NCAA basketball game is 40 minutes, but the longest stretch of play in a televised game is 7 minutes. A daunting goal, broken up to manageable pieces with clear, defined goals, something I'm striving to do. -Syd

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Torture at the hand of KB

Remember how I said I probably wasn't doing crosstraining yesterday? KB convinced me to do the craziest thing I'd done at the fair, and it was SUPER EXHAUSTING! I gained a new appreciation for all the water walking hamsters out there after 20 minutes doing something like this kid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IQcvXt59UE&feature=youtube_gdata . 

Both KB and I emerged, totally worn out! We battled each other into corners, flopped around, and generally enjoyed being 5. Both Fred and my mom are convinced I never aged past then, so it worked :)

I didn't end up eating anything deep fried, although we breathed in the smell of fried oreos, pb cups and churros. Ate a plain old gyro for dinner. I thought I'd get some roasted sweet corn, dipped in butter, but wasn't hungry at all! We stuck around to watch fireworks, then went home to rescue Lucy!

KB is stalking which caramel apple she's going to pick out, as Fred and Mr. Clean keep a watchful eye :)

The torture continued today as I went running with KB. She has a Garmin GPS watch, so I just tried to keep up with her! This week's plan, btw, is KICKING MY BUTT!!!! Increased running time each day this week is a big step up from the doting of the weeks prior. We did a 10min pace for 8 minutes, and when we got to the walk, I made the fatal mistake of actually stopping! My mental resolve was dunzo :( The 5 min walk was alright, but I was a weakling on the downhills of the 8 min run back. KB compromised and let me walk, with the promise that once we got on the street (we'd been on nice little trails) back down to her apartment complex, I had to SPRINT to the turn in. AGREED! I LOVE sprinting, except for the whole pain thing and wanting to just throw up when I'm done.

Insight, courtesy of KB, include: limit arm/hand movement and try to keep the hands towards, well, your jean zipper, except when sprinting ; a renewed focus on slow and steady breathing ; my weakness isn't from muscles/bones or cramping, but my lungs being out of shape ; DRINK WATER! EAT BANANAS! ; Maybe try doing a 9:5:7 or 10:5:6 run:walk:run breakdown since my resolve dies after walking. Its still early, so I welcome all feedback and am pretty excited about what could be :)

So excited to just do my 2 miles on Thursday before....FLYING TO TEXAS! It'll be my 35th state, even though I'll be on the ground for less than 24 hours. Might even wear my cowboy boots while I am on the ground :)

Here's to the next TV timeout!


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