Greetings from the coldest cold I've dealt with this side of summer :) I knew it was cold when Fred handed me a hat to go with the coat I had already bundled around me and mittens on my hands. We took Penny the family dog out on her nightly walk and as long as I was walking around, I took a shot at running. Its weird, but it felt alright. Obviously, in my Thanksgiving dinner clothes, I wasn't quite equipped to go running, but after the 2nd try, courtesy of the grassy area around the grade school, I was hitting my stride, literally :) No running clothes with me in New England, but can't wait to run once I get back to Raleigh!
Some of the things I'm most thankful for Thanksgiving are awesome movies, people that love me, and adorable pets, so since I'm 1000 miles from my mom, cats and the Sound of Music and 700 miles away from the roomie, Lucy and Elf, its time for me to curl up with Fred and enjoy Across the Universe. They're fittingly at a scene at Thanksgiving now :)
Here's to the next TV Timeout!
Living, cooking and the adventures of a 20-something that pretends to be a runner!
Duke's Coach K once told his players to focus on what was right in front of them- "get to the next TV timeout." I don't watch a lot of basketball, but I appreciate his philosophy. Yes, an NCAA basketball game is 40 minutes, but the longest stretch of play in a televised game is 7 minutes. A daunting goal, broken up to manageable pieces with clear, defined goals, something I'm striving to do. -Syd
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Ankle update :)
While I showed you pictures of my awesome knee the other day, I thought I'd let you see the catalyst injury. Really, I was sitting here with my legs up and crossed at the ankles when I realized my left ankle was BURNING UP! Guess all the little cells are in there, repairing away, right?! :) A girl can dream, at least!
Comparison of injured and standard: |
Swollen... |
Normal. Aww, I miss that ankle bone on the left side! |
I've felt great the past couple days, mainly because I took lots of ibproufen! Thursday night was a dinner with potential employers, but I'd definitely been told it was a cocktail reception, which conjured up images of lots of standing and mingling in my mind! My cute little $10 flats from Target came in handy, though, because I got to show off a flash of HOT PINK argyle socks that went with my gray pants and pink sweater :)
The big test came Friday morning when I wore a skirt suit to the formal interviews. I tested out the outfit with my hose to see how much of the bruise you could see (not noticeable!) and which shoes to wear. I didn't want to wear flats, but I didn't want to be in heels too scandalous, and trust me, I have some KILLER heels! My original game plan was the low black slingbacks, but the strap cut PERFECTLY across the swollen ankle area. I had a newly purchased ($13, thank you Ann Taylor LOFT!) dark purple top and so I decided to be a bit daring fashion wise and wear higher heels, but more coverage, less ankle annoyance and in the same area of the color spectrum as the top under my suit jacket.
With more of the ibproufen, taken at doses approved by the Roomie, MD , walking from interview room to interview room, up and down stairs, was no big :) I switched back into the aforementioned Target flats for a site tour, and life was great! The great rapport (I HOPE!) with the interviewers probably made me feel a bit invincible, too ;)
Today has been a medication free day. I had a sneaking suspicion my horrid tummy ache yesterday wasn't nerves but ibproufen, so I wanted a day free of that pain. Walking around is definitely doable, just a bit of discomfort here and there, but nothing I can't handle. I think I might put the ice pack back on the ankle, since my instructions say to do it once a day.
Here's to (playing at!) the next TV timeout!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Title courtesy of the roomie. What you see to the left is what happened to my knees after I fulfilled one of my biggest fears when running and tripped, sprained my ankle, and came crashing down on the paved trail. That kneecap is all nice and swollen- a great look for the skirt I was hoping to wear for an interview on Friday! The knee's not the biggest problem though, its the ankle. I did pretty much the same thing in August, only I was on a wooded trail and I didn't go all the way to the ground. At least I don't remember the palms of my hands hurting like this.
I was lucky enough to snag a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. X-rays confirm the bones are fine, but with the way that I step (supinate) and the fact that I've done this before, I'm not supposed to run or stress the ankle until I feel 100% on it :( Definitely not what I wanted to have happen today or at this point. Since its high in the ankle, it might take a while to heal, probably closer to the 6, not 1 week rehab time.
Super bummed about this because I was getting back into the "alright, run with a goal" mindset. Maybe I can bike during this time? I liked my nice defined legs! I'll definitely have to do more abs/arms stuff!
Here's to the next TV timeout!
Monday, November 15, 2010
aaaand we're back!
Its past 2:30 and I'm waiting for a call I was supposed to get at 1, so I figured I'll kill time wisely without getting too into work in case I still get the call. Seriously confused, and yes, time zones were mentioned in the e-mails to arrange the call!
Anyway, the roomie, Lucy and I went to meet up with KB at the North Carolina Museum of Art today. Yes, going to an art museum sounds weird, but there's tons of trails around there. Hooray for hippy-dippy North Carolina planning :) It was SO beautiful today! I didn't make the roomie my official photographer again, but here's what the view from the living room is :
Imagine that over sprawling hills, surrounded by a sculpture garden! I realize my mom will have NC envy as she reads this, but she'll be out here soon!
KB hadn't run in 2 weeks, I hadn't run in a week, so I just followed her pace. She always pushes me, and I know it, but I just try to keep up. With our recent slacking, running wise at least, we aimed to do a good solid mile, then walk and regain our breath- a nice easy re-introduction to running. As KB told me to keep up with her pace, something along the lines of "if you can do 12:02 for 3 miles, you can do just one 10:30 mile!" we talked a little, but that soon got to be just too hard. We turned around at the top of a little hill, and had to run back to the roomie... who was now running in the other direction!
Once we caught our breath, KB told me she'd lied a little about the pace. Her Garmin fancy-watch actually had us doing 1.1 miles in 11 minutes which means 10 min miles :) I don't know how much longer I could've kept it up, but its a nice mental victory to know that I can! When the cold sets in this winter, I'll be sure to not fear the 6.0mph setting on the treadmills as much!
Here's to the next TV timeout!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Unexpected weights...
I had plans to run today, but they were quickly dashed when I was asked to help out in the greenhouse. Once I realized what my task would be, I knew that my "strength training rest day" was about to go out the window. Dear muscles, I hope you enjoyed your 24 hours of no working out because that came to a SCREECHING halt! I got to empty Terra cotta pots into wheelbarrows, then take the wheelbarrows to the huge wooden crates, unload the pots, then go up a ramp to drop off the plant and soil mixture into an organics dumpster- over and over! That's always fun, but then we had to figure out how to set up and fill pots in a way that wouldn't clog the drains with soil. We got through one wheelbarrow full of soil, but a new fast system is in place :)
After all that, I was SUPER tired! I thought about taking Lucy for a walk, had every intention of doing it, but I realized I agreed to make cupcakes for the roomie :) I bake, she knows this, and is a bridesmaid this weekend. The vanilla ones looked good... until I tasted them. How on earth do you make something taste like cornmeal having added 0 corn derived ingredients? The mystery is solved, although it wasn't really one I ever thought of tackling. And it was from a trusty go-to source! I can't believe she would let me down, PLUS the chocolate cupcakes from Hershey's, marketed as "no fail!" definitely failed. Cupcakes shouldn't look like little cups of goo:
I swear. I can cook. I can bake.
Tonight's just not my night...
but I did get a callback about a job I applied for :) REDEMPTION!
Run is definitely on the calender for tomorrow. I miss those endorphins!
Here's to the next TV timeout!
PS: Lucy looking evil picture of the day :
Monday, November 8, 2010
Results and rebound
First off, the official results are up and I did better than I thought I did! I thought I'd gotten in around the 39 minute mark, but I was about 30 seconds faster per mile than I'd though. First outing, its still super exciting :) I was 4th in my age group- first 3 got medals! One of these days I'll get a medal- even if its just a "finisher" medal! Even though KR got a TROPHY, she still wanted a medal, too!
This side of the race, I'm still thinking about that next TV timeout and what comes after! So...
1- Get faster/better endurance - 12 minute miles are great for 2 months into running, but I want to be stronger, faster! Oh, and I can't forget about this whole 10k goal I have for the end of April. If I could do that in at least 72 minutes- which is about 12 minute mile pace- for the 10k, I'd be happy, but I know I can push it more.
2- Triathalons? Maybe? I'd definitely need to work on my swimming- I equate swimming, especially in deep ends!, with peas. So for now, that's a super long term goal.
I went running/walking with a friend from work today. If she was talking, we ran, but if I was talking, we had to walk. We covered 3 miles but no clue how long it took... and I'm perfectly okay with that. After yoga last week, I realized I've lost so much upper body strength that I'd built up over months of yoga and other strength training! I didn't have super defined muscles, but I could kick some skinny girls' butt in yoga and other classes!!! With that in mind, I'm going to Total Body Sculpt tomorrow, a class that leaves me in pain every time. We've befriended the instructor (Fred even drives to a class with her, small world!) so its always nice to see her at 6:20 am! KR continues to torture me- but its okay :) Lucy is sleeping quietly next to me, so I'm going to take a cue from her and hit the hay!
Here's to the next TV timeout (and race!)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Rolesville 5k/10k
TA-DA!!! Done, done, DONE! All my whining for cold finally paid off and WHEW it was the coldest day this side of summer so far! Windy and cold, everyone thought we were CRAZY! KR was in running capris and a sleeveless tee, I was in shorts and a long sleeved shirt. All around us were people bundled up with pants, jackets, gloves and hats. By the time I got through the first song, however, I was SO glad I wore as little as I had. My hands just went numb, and I enjoyed the run in a new location. From the map at the registration, I saw that the course was an out and back, so every hill I went down, I knew I'd have to run up again! North Carolina subdivisions have some rolling hills!!! It was a quiet neighborhood, but cars were still driving around. I stayed on the asphalt most of the time because, darnit, I paid my money to run my race!!! (And yes, run your own race, was a key point my mom kept telling me!)
I'm pretty sure I was one of the last people for the 5k coming out the start gates, but around that first turn where I was nice and warm, still jogging, TONS of people started walking. I didn't pass too many people, but had a few play cat and mouse with my steady pace as they walked then ran. Having people around kept me going nicely! I did the first mile in 12 minutes, the 2nd mile in probably 20 seconds faster. I didn't stop running until after the 2 mile mark, about halfway up this hill (coming back!). Yeah, no clue how to rotate it, sorry! I was pretty darn proud of myself for getting BACK into running after I walked. The key was to have the "you will run HERE" points.
The 10k route had the runners going right out of the starting gate, where I'd gone left, to do 5k, then had them wind back near the start/finish line and do the 5k route. I was just a little beyond my turnaround point when I saw the first 10k runner coming towards me! I was on my 3rd mile when I saw KR. We knew they gave out top 3 trophies for overall male/female finishers of both races, so in between talking to one of the mice that kept running/walking near me, encouraging her to keep running, I looked out for female 10k racers. There was one very early on, but the 2nd one I saw was... KR! When we overlapped, I yelled at her to keep going, that she was kicking butt! She just shot me the "ohmigawd why do you have SO MUCH ENERGY!!" look and said "get on it!" In her defense, she later told me she wanted to WOO at me and encourage me like I'd done to her. Its okay- she was on track to run her 6.2 miles in under an hour!
I wasn't quite sure of where the end was, but at the last water station (woo for lots of those!) a volunteer was directing me out of the way of traffic and had his hand out for a high 5- I gave him a superhero leap and he told me the finish line was just around the corner. Downed the water, looked up, and saw the man directing runners into the chute. I saw the cones and realized...SPRINTING TIME! My legs were jello, but I got in! My goal had been to shoot for 40 minutes total- giving me enough time to walk if I needed it, plus I didn't know how hilly the course would be. What I turned in was a ~38 minute race! 12.25 minute mile pace!!!
They IMMEDIATELY made me stop so they could take off my foot chips- not cool!- but I went to grab some water, juice, chocolate milk and a banana. I beat the first 10k guy in (woo!), and knew with KR's pace that I had enough time to walk to the car to grab a sweatshirt and my camera. I kept jamming to my iPod, had the lady that I'd been encouraging come up and explain to her friend how I had been the person to keep her running (hee hee! always feels good), and waited for KR. She came in under 53 minutes, and I was pretty sure she was still the 2nd 10k female.
Sure enough... we stuck around for the awards ceremony and KR took home a cute little trophy :) The age ranges once you got out of the teens were in 10 year blocks, so I went home empty handed, but hey- pain is temporary, pride is forever :) This was a great first race, I have a neat t-shirt that I can wear with pride, my bib has my time and a few notes on the back, and I AM HOOKED!
Before today, I was soo looking forward to taking a break from running. I still will take the running down a notch, maybe just go for longer distances with more breaks, but still pushing myself, no training program. Case in point? Going with my friend for a run on Monday. She's so excited I'm into running now, since she got into it a couple years ago and always wants someone to go with her. I've warned her I'm slow, but at least now I know I can GO!
CLEARLY before :) See why people thought KR was CRAZY?!?! She warmed up quickly, too! |
KR all done :) |
My bib |
![]() |
KR's 2nd place trophy. The 3rd place girl grabbed it, so she had to go track it down and get her rightful trophy! |
Here's to the next race and TV Timeout!
Friday, November 5, 2010
My Mom is Awesome
I'm highly biased, but if there was to be anybody biased in the other way, it would be me. However... I think my mom is awesome. Whereas too many empty-nesters I know of just kind of settle down, stay content with the lives they'd built while dealing with unruly teenagers, my mom did the COMPLETE OPPOSITE! She's kind of like me where she has some awesome friends who have challenged her to go outside her comfort box. Even without them, she's pretty fearless and independent. After joining the military at 18, she's lived in Germany, visited Egypt, and took me around London. On the less-exotic front, she bakes, cooks, sews, and sings nice and loud at church every Sunday.
During the bike ride across Iowa in Pocahontas :) |
One of her empty-nest endeavors was .... RUNNING! She's done a 4-mile race in my hometown for a few years. She interrupted her training to ride her bike across Iowa to do it this year to keep up her 4-mile run :) My mom's even done a half marathon. Quite a legacy to live up to! With that in mind, she sent me the following advice, which I have also passed on to KR.
Here's to the next TV Timeout and take it away, Mom...
1. don't wear any new clothes - including sock. only wear stuff you have run in before and are comfortable in. you never know what might itch or bind. wear comfortable clothes - this is not a beauty contest!
1.5 be sure your shoelaces are tied - and tucked into the laces some way so they don't get loose. nothing worse than having to stop to tie your shoes.
2. go to the bathroom before the race - go at home, and at least once when you get there - even if you don't think you need to. be prepared for long lines.
3. only eat food that you have eaten before - this is not the time to try something new! be sure to stay hydrated, but water is much better than caffinated drinks. drink on the race if offered, and don't be afraid to pour the water over your head if you are getting warm. advice i got for drinking on the run was to smoosh the cup so it's just a narrow sliver and drink from that.
3.5 chapstick or something on your lips
4. dress for at least 10 degrees warmer than the temp - you KNOW you'll warm up.
4.3 stretch a little before the race, then stretch more afterwards - you will feel much better the day after.
4.5 check out the finish line - or the whole race course if possible. it helps to know if there are hills or turns, so you can be mentally prepared.
5. don't go out too fast - it will be very tempting, the adrenalin is going, everyone is passing you - but go at your own pace. You'll pass a lot of those people as they run out of steam.
5.5 sometimes, especially if you are running by yourself, it helps to pick out someone ahead of you and try to keep pace with them, or pass them if they are too slow then pick someone else in front.
6. RUN YOUR OWN RACE! You are not racing anyone else, you are just running for you.
7. Have fun, go at a comfortable pace, but don't be afraid to sprint at the end! You'll be amazed how much energy you really have left!
I'll be rooting for you!!
Love, Mom
p.s. - our buddy Toni would say to set a goal - do you want to run 12 minute miles? 12.5 minute miles? 40 minute race? Only walk for a total of 5 minutes? Choose something, and see how you do.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
in which I don't run
Yep. A blog where I document running but sometimes you have to document purposely not running, like today! KR and I went to morning yoga, then had some quality time on the ellipticals afterward. I had planned on taking Lucy out on a walk to make her be tired, but smushy-face is getting off easy, thanks to tons of rain! She hates the rain so much, that when it's time to take her out for potty breaks, she goes down the steps, then around towards the house to the area under the roofing. Smart/lazy dog!
I got some awesome news today and am super excited for the upcoming weeks :) Getting the 5k conquered this weekend will actually make me more excited to work out. I'll probably re-start more strength (yoga!) training and other aerobics, like biking! I'm clearly getting burnt out on running, so a nice break from it, but not from working out, is in the works. Besides, I was checking myself out in yoga today- she told us to, I swear!- and realized my butt's getting smaller :)
On to the next TV timeout- and my first 5k!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I've dome some crazy impulse things in my life, but KR might have just helped me do one of the craziest...
So let me backtrack... I went to the treadmill on Sunday, thinking I could cover the screen, and just go. It sort of worked. I pushed to just a mile, but that victorious 1.21 miles was still looming over me. KB realized in our runs that I suck after I quit to walk, but I tried to go again. Bleeeggghhh. I did check out my form a lot in the mirrors in front of and beside me. Hooray for leg muscles :)
I can feel the leg muscles again today- calves and shins OMG! As KR and I were plotting our races, we realized that our plan A AND plan B were full :( Crap. Punting... KR jokingly suggested this weekend. Well, a joking suggestion got me into this mess, so why not have another one get me over this darned hump?! I am officially registered for my first 5k to run (I've done tons of Race for the Cures, but walked them all). So, with that in mind, I went out and took all the advice KR had gotten after she posted her little announcement on Facebook. I had the "you can do this!" mantra and mindset and stopped looking at my feet. I used to like the measurement of my progress, concrete square by concrete square, but just looking ahead helped me just be and go. I ran the longest I ever had without stopping- a full 1.78 miles.
Like I said, my shins and calves are KILLING. I'll do yoga (yay internet videos!) tomorrow and Thursday, as well as finding a way to go 4 miles, a combo of running and walking, taking Lucy with me to TIRE HER OUT- GRRR- on Thursday. If I can get out of my head for 4 miles, I can do the 3.1 miles, pushing myself like none other, on Saturday.
Now accepting any and all ideas/tips!
Here's to the next TV timeout :)
lessons learned,
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