Duke's Coach K once told his players to focus on what was right in front of them- "get to the next TV timeout." I don't watch a lot of basketball, but I appreciate his philosophy. Yes, an NCAA basketball game is 40 minutes, but the longest stretch of play in a televised game is 7 minutes. A daunting goal, broken up to manageable pieces with clear, defined goals, something I'm striving to do. -Syd

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hurtz Donuts


Thankfully, my siblings were so much older than me that it was usually unfair of them to pull pranks on me like the old "Hey, you want a Hurtz Donut?"
"Hurts, don't it?!"

I've officially reached the point where literally every joint/ligament/flat part of my lower body hurts or aches! Cursing my reading that ibproufen inhibits muscle growth, so for once, I tough through it all...

After speedwork on Tuesday, my Wednesday was marked by tons of twitching in the back of my thighs. What are those muscles? Hamstrings?!? Anyway, I had to keep sitting up in a desk chair, looking into a microscope, so I couldn't stretch them out. TWITCH!

My knee cap will occasionally feel like its about to give out- always a fun time! It never feels that way while running, thank heavens!, but when it's there, it comes randomly and I look like a freak, walking around gingerly!

The shins officially "splint". My inner right leg hurts the most, consistent with shin splints for a right-y like me :) They now get iced after every run to feel better! So far, less pain :D

The ankle has always been weird, and I find that about 2 miles in to a run, the inside left ankle is just announcing its existence. Thanks, middle child. I see you!

Today? As a sort of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" present? The balls of my feet announced their displeasure with my increased distance post-run. Nothing bad at all, just another example of my body adjusting to "Running Sydney."

Anyway, like I sort of hinted above, I did more mileage today! I did 3.9 miles in 40 minutes. Today's exact pace was supposed to be "easy", but with my drive for speed, I tried to keep up the pace as myTracks talked to me :) I seriously need to update my running playlist and/or find a good radio show to listen to. The trail was one I'm super used to, but I started at the "end" so I could have gorgeous views to inspire me!
Gorgeous spot where I began/ended my run!

I felt pretty good and went to an awesome "roll it out" class soon- stretching with rollers? HECK YES! "You might have some pain" they told me and OMG I did, but so much feels "loose"- even muscles I didn't know could be not-loose. Arm pits, anyone?!

Grey's time ;)

Here's to the next TV timeout!


PS-Birthday flowers :)
From the sisters
From Fred :)

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